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28 years old
Los Angeles, California
United States - 90210
Last Login: July 24 2024

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Wow its been a minute since ive taken a look at this. Time to update this. I have a Younger Brother named Troy hes awesome. A sister named Kiara she also amazing. I care for thoses i call friend so if you are added welcome my friends.... You are like my family well i hope to connect with everyone. Oh right about me stuffs. Im a Professional Footballer or Soccer (hello America lol) i play for Englands Most successful team and Biggest Team Manchester United!!!!! Vacations after the season are the best. So when that time comes im in shorts and thats all oh shades as well. Boats and beaches thats where i go. At the moment im playing for my Country and we are trying to defend one of our trophies that we won wish me luck. Oh and recently i found an interesting lady she more beautiful then miss universe. Something about her just oozes attraction to her. Oh and she might be a mom to who? Who knows maybe me hehehe. In all seriousness im here to have fun and make friends and all the lot. So heres to enjoying our time together. This is a must non negotiable cause i hold all the cards them the rules.
id love to meet new people

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